Anal health screening




The anal health screening program contains 3 main procedures as list below,

1. Digital rectal exam (DRE)

2. An anal pap smear is similar to a routine cervical pap test and involves sampling cells inside the anus to detect changes and abnormalities.

3. An anoscopy is a procedure that can identify several anal diseases. These include:

  • Cancer
  • Anal fissures
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Rectal polyps
  • Anal abscess / fistula

Who should take this screening test

1.Individuals have a high risk of developing anal cancer as list below

  • Person who regularly has anal sex
  • Person  who has HIV or HPV
  • Person  who has a history of anal warts
  • Person  with weakened immune systems

2. For healthy adults who have or don’t have the history of anal sex, they also can do this test. If they desire to screening the anal disorders.

The procedure takes about 15 minutes
The result of Anal pap smear will be reported 3 days after the sample is received.

Note : Pap smear tests are not suitable for patients, who experience the following

  • who have genital warts
  • experiencing rectal bleeding or rectal inflammation

Please consult your physician.

Terms and conditions :

  1. This package is non-refundable in all conditions
  2. Price is subject to change without prior notice.
  3. The invoice for this package can be sent directly to your corporate partner company for payment; this package can be used with insurance;
    ***this package cannot be combined with any other offers, discounts, corporate partner discounts, or promotions.
  4. Prices are valid until 31 December 2023 (prices are subject to change without prior notice).
  5. The service is available 365 days from the date of purchase.


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