Celebrate Women’s Health this Mother’s Day




Prenatal Care Package

Price 64,105 THB (From 78,630 THB)


 Deposit 10,000 Baht by 27 Aug 2023 Valid for use until 30 Jun 2024

• The hospital will refund the deposit in one case is the termination of pregnancy.

Once pregnant, prenatal care is what every woman should have.

With prenatal care, mothers can get necessary screening tests for conditions that may occur during pregnancy and receive advice and care from an experienced OB/GYN doctor to be well-prepared through the pregnancy until childbirth.

Package Details

Ultrasound Tests

  • 2D Ultrasound by OB/GYN doctor to evaluate the gestational age and fetal growth 3 sessions. (During the weeks of 11-13, 18-21, and 36-38)
  • 4D Ultrasound by OB/GYN doctor to evaluate the fetal posture and activity 1 session (During weeks 28-30)

Prenatal Laboratory Tests

  • Complete Blood Count (CBC) 3 times
  • Rh Factor Blood  (Rh) 1 time
  • ABO Blood Group (ABO) 1 time
  • Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) 1 time
  • HIV (Ag/Ab) 1 time
  • Syphilis Antibody 1 time
  • Hemoglobin Typing 1 time
  • Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH) 1 time
  • Urine Culture 1 time
  • Ferritin 1 time
  • Group B Streptococcus (GBS) during weeks 35-37 1 time
  • Down’s syndrome screening with Noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) 1 time

Gestational Diabetic Screening Test

  • Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (GCT 50gm ) 1 time
  • Urine Strip Test for protein and sugar: 10 times
  • Prenatal vaccination
  • Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Acellular Pertussis booster vaccine: 1 shot
  • Influenza vaccine one shot

Additional maternal care

  • Prenatal skin care consultation 1 session
  • Prenatal dental care and scaling 1 session
  • Prenatal nutrition consultation 1 session
  • Prenatal hydrotherapy exercise with a physical therapist 1 session
  • Prenatal exercise training with a physical therapist 3 sessions

Terms and Conditions

  1. The package price is valid for purchasing online channels from 11 – 27 Aug 2023
  2. The package price is valid from now until 30 June 2024
  3. The package price excludes the professional fee of the OB/GYN doctor.
  4. The suitability of the package for a patient is subject to the OB/GYN doctor’s discretion. The package is available for purchase to cover prenatal care starting at the 12nd week and ending at the 40th  week of gestational age.
  5. The package price excludes medications or expenses prescribed by a doctor due to additional diagnoses.
  6. The package price includes medical supplies and equipment related to pregnancy, nursing, and hospital service fees.
  7. The package is non-transferrable and cannot be modified or exchanged for cash under any circumstances.
  8. The number of follow-up sessions is as specified in the package.
  9. The package price cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts or promotional offers.
  10. The package price is valid for Thai nationals and expatriates residing in Thailand only.

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Cervical Cancer Screening Package ( Thin Prep + HPV DNA + Ultrasound )

Price 5,985 THB (From 8,800 THB)

Human Papillomavirus (HPV); a sexually transmitted infection, does influence the development of most cervical cancers. Exposure to HPV will lead to the development of cervical cancer. Fortunately, cervical cancer is a preventable disease. Cervical screening tests can help lower the risk of developing cervical cancer.

Who should take the Thin Prep Test ?

  • All women age 21 or more
  • Women who are 25 or older, it is also recommended to undergo the HPV DNA Test
  • Women who previously had intercourse

Thin Prep Test Preparation

  • The scheduled appointment should not be during the menstrual period.
  • Do not undergo any douching before undergoing the Thin Prep test.
  • Do not use a suppository, cream, or spermicide for 48 hours before the test.

Package Details

  • Thin Prep
  • Transvaginal Ultrasound

Terms and Conditions

  1. The package price is valid for purchasing online channels from 11 – 27 Aug 2023
  2. The package price is valid from now until 31 December 2023
  3. The packaged price includes obstetrician service fees, medical supplies fees, fees of medical tools, and tools related to the test.
  4. The package price is inclusive of the nurse service fee and hospital service fee.
  5. The package price is exclusive of medications and additional fees if the doctor recommends additional tests if the doctor detects any unusual conditions.
  6. The package price cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts or promotional offers.
  7. The package price is valid for Thai nationals and expatriates residing in Thailand only.

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HPV Vaccine Package (9 strains)

  • 2-dose series (Age 9 – 14)
    Price 18,100 THB (From 24,500 THB)

  • 3-dose series (Age 15 or above)
    Price 22,900 THB (From 36,750 THB)

HPV vaccination can help prevent sexually transmitted infections in males and females and minimize the risk of gynecologic cancers, particularly cervical cancer, which is the most common cancer in Thailand.

It is highly recommended to get vaccinated, especially with a 9-valent HPV vaccine which provides more effective protection.

The 9-valent HPV vaccine is an inactivated vaccine developed from the quadrivalent HPV vaccine. It can protect you against 9 types of HPV – type 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, and 58 – in both men and women.

Terms and Conditions

  1. The package price is valid for purchasing online channels from 11 – 27 Aug 2023
  2. The package price is valid from now until 31 December 2023
  3. The package price includes doctor fees, nursing fees, and hospital charges.
  4. The vaccination must be completed within the specified period. If necessary, it can be postponed 1 month after the last scheduled date.
  5. The vaccination will be administered by doctors or registered nurses of MedPark Hospital only. Vaccination at home or other medical centers is not allowed.
  6. The package price is non-transferable.
  7. The package price cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts or promotional offers.
  8. The package price is valid for Thai nationals and expatriates residing in Thailand only.

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Female Platinum Health Checkup 41 Items

Price 32,000 THB (From 63,350 THB)

As women enter the phase of life beyond 50 years, it is crucial to prioritize their health and well-being due to the natural aging process. Taking proactive steps to maintain good health is essential. Initiating a comprehensive health check-up is the first step towards gaining valuable insights into future health trends.

Introducing our Platinum Health Checkup, a tailored health assessment exclusively designed for women aged 50 and above. This comprehensive package includes a thorough examination of 41 items.

Package Details 41 Items  Click

Please refrain from eating or drinking for at least 8–12 hours before the checkup.

Term and Conditions

  1. The package price is valid for purchasing online channels from 11 – 27 Aug 2023
  2. The package price is valid from now until 31 December 2023
  3. The package price includes doctor fees, nursing fee, and hospital charges.
  4. The package price excludes related standard medical supplies and medical devices used for the test.
  5. The package price excludes medications or expenses from additional diagnostic tests prescribed by a doctor.
  6. The package price cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts or promotional offers.
  7. The package price is valid for Thai nationals and expatriates residing in Thailand only.

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Knee Osteoarthritis Screening Package

Price 2,650 THB (From 4,250 THB)

Thai society is transitioning into a bona fide aging society. The population life expectancy is trending upwards, and the same holds true for the increasing propensity of knee osteoarthritis.

Knee Osteoarthritis Screening, Professional consultation & Bilateral knee x-ray to assess the health of your knees.  X-rays are taken using the anterior and lateral methods of taking pictures of the knee joints. Suitable for people with knee joint pain. There is noise in the verse Have a history of sports injuries.

Term and Conditions

  1. The package price is valid for purchasing online channels from 11 – 27 Aug 2023
  2. The package price is valid from now until 31 December 2023
  3. The package price includes doctor fee, bilateral knee x-ray (front and side) fee, nursing fee, and OPD service fee.
  4. The package price excludes medications, medical supplies, or expenses from additional investigations advised by a doctor.
  5. The package price excludes additional expenses due to treatment or emergency surgery or medical conditions requiring special medical equipment.
  6. The package price cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts or promotional offers.
  7. The package price is valid for Thai nationals and expatriates residing in Thailand only.

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Breast Cancer Screening Package  (3D – Digital Mammogram with Ultrasound)

Price 4,990 THB (From 8,800 THB)

Breast cancers are now the number one cause of cancer for women worldwide, including in Thailand. The treatment will work if cancer is detected in the early stages. It is recommended for women ages 35 years or older to undergo a mammogram test.

Are you in the risk groups ?

  • Those who have previously had other diseases relating to the breast such as tumors.
  • Those who have had breast cancer .
  • Those who have a history of a family member with cancer.
  • Those who conceived their first child at 30 years or older or never had a child.
  • Those who consumed progesterone or birth control pills for an extended period.

Term and Conditions

  1. The package price is valid for purchasing online channels from 11 – 27 Aug 2023
  2. The package price is valid from now until 31 December 2023
  3. The package price includes the professional fee of the breast surgeon and radiologist.
  4. The package price includes the hospital service fee and the nursing fee for outpatient service.
  5. The package price can be used at MedPark Hospital only.
  6. The package price cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts or promotional offers.
  7. The package price is valid for Thai nationals and expatriates residing in Thailand only.

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Delivery Packages

    • Normal Delivery Package (3 Days 2 Nights)
      Price 98,000 THB
    • Cesarean Package (4 Days 3 Nights)
      Price 111,990 THB

Special Offer! Purchase or deposit 20,000 THB by 27 Aug 2023  Get 30% discount on room upgrades

The Delivery Packages include.

    • Professional fees of the obstetrician, his/her assistant, pediatrician, and anesthesiologist.
    • 16th floor maternity ward Executive River/lake view room charge, nursing service charges, labor room, operating room, recovery room, and nursery room charges for the specified length of stay of the packages.
    • Standard hospital food service for the specified length of stay of the package.
    • Medications, and medical supplies pertaining to normal labor.
    • One dose each of BCG, hepatitis B vaccinations, and vitamin K as well as fetal nonstress test.
    • Newborn ABO and Rh blood group determination, tests for TSH, PKU, transcutaneous bilirubin (TcB); newborn hearing screening test (OAE), pulse oximetry, and neonatal critical congenital heart disease screening.
    • Maternal platelet and blood cross matching but not including maternal blood and blood components transfusion before, during, or after delivery.
    • Birth certificate processing
    • Child gift set, photograph, and health record booklet.
    • Personal breastfeeding instruction and advice by experts.
    • Tips for postpartum care by a physical therapist and nutritional advice by a nutritionist.

Eligibility criteria for the Delivery Packages

Gestational age greater than 36 weeks or for twin pregnancy 35 weeks and is not a high-risk pregnancy as described below as well as agreeing to get all required pre-labor lab tests at MedPark Hospital only.

Terms and Conditions

    1. The package price is valid for purchasing online channels from 11 – 27 Aug 2023
    2. The package price is valid from now until 31 March 2024
    3. If severe complications develop during the course of labor and delivery that require close supervision and additional treatments, the terms and conditions of the entire delivery package shall be null and void. The Hospital will bill for all expenses at normal rates.
    4. For the initial normal Delivery Package that later needs to be converted to the cesarean section, the new converted package price will be 140,000 baht.
    5. For a normal Delivery Package with a request for painless labor through epidural anesthesia or spinal block, the hospital will charge an additional fee of 20,000 baht on top of the normal rate for the Delivery Package.
    6. For a normal Delivery Package with the administration of epidural anesthesia or spinal block for painless labor that later needs to be converted to cesarean section, the total converted package price will be 160,000 baht.
    7. The package price is exclusive of phototherapy treatment for neonatal jaundice.
    8. If the newborn develops any complications that do not affect the care of the mother, the hospital will bill for the treatments provided to the newborn at a normal rate.
    9. The delivery package cannot be used in conjunction with third-party payment by a contracted company, or the insurance company, and cannot be given any additional discount based on the terms of the contracted company agreement.
    10. If incidental abnormality is encountered during cesarean section such as a tumor requiring removal, the surgical fee for additional surgery will be charged at 50% discount of the normal rate for cash payment and at 30,000 baht for third-party insurance payment.
    11. The package price excludes other surgical procedures such as appendectomy, tubal sterilization procedure, or newborn circumcision.
    12. Should a cesarean-section patient like to have the tubal sterilization procedure at the same time, there will be an additional fee of 12,000 baht.
    13. If a room upgrade from that specified in the package is requested, the hospital will charge for the difference in the room rate after a 10% discount.
    14. The package price does not cover miscellaneous personal services such as beverages, telephone charges, and made-to-order meals, the hospital will bill at full normal rates.
    15. The package price excludes the delivery process of medicines at home.
    16. Terms of any promotional campaigns or member cards cannot be applied to the delivery packages.
    17. Father is permitted to enter the delivery room only after the anesthesiologist has finished administering the epidural block and the obstetrician has also signaled approval.
    18. Medical supplies that are not included in the packages are baby bottles, milk, infant formulas, baby’s pillow, cloth diaper, and disposable diapers that are not covered in the package price.
    19. Payment should be paid in full in advance before the hospital admission.
    20. The hospital reserves the right not to allow any picture taking or video recording during the normal delivery or cesarean section procedure.
    21. The hospital reserves the right to permit only the hospital staff to take still photographs.
    22. If a cesarean section procedure is scheduled between 6.00 am-11.00 am, the patient is permitted to come to the hospital after 10.00 pm of the night before the delivery date without additional fees.
    23. The package price cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts or promotional offers.
    24. The package price is valid for Thai nationals and expatriates residing in Thailand only.


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