Comprehensive Eye Screening Package For Diabetic Retinopathy



Comprehensive Eye Screening Package For Diabetic Retinopathy  5,000 THB.

Eye screening package for diabetic retinopathy is recommended for diabetic patients, regardless of type and age. To evaluate disease progression of diabetes and determine potential eye complications caused by diabetes, eye screening can be initiated once diagnosed with diabetes.

Comprehensive eye screening package for diabetic retinopathy consists of:

  • Visual acuity and Auto refraction
  • Tonometer (measurement of intraocular pressure)
  • Pupil dilation
  • Fundus photography
  • Optical coherence tomography
  • Eye examination performed by an ophthalmologist

*For first visit, consultation and eye examination conducted by an ophthalmologist is an initial step before pupil dilation. Screening tests (number 1-5) are performed by the ophthalmic medical technicians and nurses. Once all tests are completed, results are reviewed and informed by an ophthalmologist. The recommendation will be given accordingly as screening results reveal.
**In case that additional tests are further required, recommendations will be made by an ophthalmologist and extra charge will be informed prior to conducting additional tests.


  • To complete all tests, it takes approximately 1 – 1.5 hours.
  • Refraining from food and drink is NOT required prior to the tests.
  • After pupil dilation test, it might cause blurred vision and photosensitivity for 4-6 hours after the test. Therefore, patients are not advised to drive and there should be friends or relatives to take care of the patients.


Terms and conditions.

  • This package applied for Thai and Expatriates.
  • Packages are valid from 1 January 2023 – 31 December 2023.
  • This package includes doctor fee and hospital fee.


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