Fall Risk Assessment For The Elderly Package



As people age, changes in physical and mental conditions as well as other underlying diseases put senior people at greater risk for falls. In fact, falls can happen anytime and anywhere. The severity widely ranges from bruises to fractures or even death. Fall risk assessment enables the elderly and care takers to prevent fall and minimize its severity in case fall inevitably happens. It is recommended in the elderly people aged over 65. If one poses high risk of fall after assessment, additional care conducted by physiotherapists is required, allowing a personalized plan for fall prevention and safe mobility.

Fall Risk Assessment For The Elderly Package
2,250 THB.

Prior to fall risk assessment

Three following questions will be asked prior to the assessment. If there is a YES, for any question, the risk for falls is considerably high.

  1. Do you feel physically unsteady while standing or walking?
  2. Are you afraid of falling?
  3. Have you fallen in the past year?

Fall risk assessment for the elderly

  • The Activities – Specific Balance Confidence (ABC): ABC is a structured questionnaire used to measure an individual’s confidence in performing ambulatory activities that, e.g. shopping the malls and walking in the supermarkets. ABC scale is comprised of a wide continuum of less and more challenging daily activities. If score is less than 67%, it suggests substantial risk of falling with higher chance of recurrent falls in the future. 
  • Safety in Activity of Daily Living (ADL): ADL questionnaire consists of eating, dressing/grooming, personal hygiene and mobility. It aims to evaluate whether the elderly are safe while performing their daily tasks.
  • Safety in the house: The questionnaire aims to assess whether the way of living both inside and outside the house is safe without hazardous environmental.แพ็กเกจตรวจประเมินความเสี่ยงล้มในผู้สูงอายุ
  • Functional Reach Test – FRT: FRT is a clinical assessment tool for ascertaining dynamic balance. It aims to assess a patient’s stability by measuring the maximum distance, in centimeters, an individual can reach forward to grab something while standing in a fixed position. If the distance is less than 20 cm., it indicates a significant increased risk for falls when performing daily activities, e.g. tying shoelaces and bending forwards to grab something on the floor. 
  • 5-Time Sit-to-Stand: The sit-to-stand exercise intends to evaluate the strength of the muscles of the lower body, e.g. hips, knees and ankles. The test can be used to assess whether elderly people are able to sit on the toilet bowl, on the chair or sofa. If an individual spends time longer than 15 seconds to sit and stand, there is a greater risk of fall, affecting daily activities, e.g. going to the toilet, getting off from the dining table or sofa. And this also increases risk of recurrent falls in the future up to 74%.  
  • 4-Stage Balance Test: The 4-Stage Balance Test is a validated approach used to screen individuals for fall risks. It is performed based on the person’s ability to hold four progressively more challenging positions. For example, tandem stance is to assess postural steadiness in a heel-to-toe position. If an individual can perform tandem stance less than 10 seconds, there is greater risk for fall which disrupt daily activities, e.g. wearing trousers or putting on shoes or socks whilst standing and standing for showering.
  • Time Up and Go Test (TUG):  This test aims at determining fall risks and measuring the progress of balance, mobility, sit to stand and walking in different directions, e.g. going to the toilet in time, getting up and sitting down. If time spent on average longer than 12 seconds, there is an increased risk of falls and if it is longer than 16 seconds, a greater risk of recurrent falls is pointed out. 
  • Hand Grip Strength:  Hand grip strength test measures the maximum strength of the hand and forearm muscles. Muscle weakness measured by hand grip strength is associated with balance, gait variability and fall. As people age, grip strength grows weaker and eventually begins to affect day-to-day activities. Simple tasks might become difficult depending on the strength of the hands. Therefore, this test is used as a predictor of fall risk in the elderly. If the measured value is less than normal range, the muscle weakness can substantially lead to balance impairment in which poor balance can increase the risk of falling up to 2 times compared to those without balance issue. 
  • InBody Test: The InBody test provides a comprehensive view of body composition balance, consisting of water, proteins, minerals and body fat. Low muscle mass can result in difficulty sitting or getting up, impaired balance and frequent falls. In fact, compared to those whose values sit within standard ranges, men and women who have low muscle mass are at more risks of falling, over 4X and 2X, respectively. 
  • Reaction Time Test: Reaction time test assesses a person’s quickness to move and to react to the dropping object. If the reaction time is slower than normal range, the risk of falling increases correlatively.
  • Cognitive Screening Related to Fall (Trail Making Test): This test aims to test for concentration and cognition needed during daily living, e.g. walking in crowded situation, walking with the presence of barriers and crossing the road. Studies have shown that poor performance on cognitive test is linked with increased likelihood of falling among older adults.

Terms and Conditions

  • This price is valid from 15 March – 31 December 2023.
  • This price excludes doctor fee.
  • Please make an appointment at least 1 day in advance.
  • Service is available at Rehabilitation Center, 4th floor, R-Building, Bangkok Hospital.
  • The patients and care takers are required to wear a face mask at all times while receiving service.
  • This package cannot be used in combination with other promotions or discounts.
  • The hospital reserves the rights to change price and conditions without prior notice.

Additional recommendations

  • The assessment takes approximately an hour. 
  • Please wear easy-to-move outfit, not too loose or too tight. And only trainers or flat slingbacks are allowed during assessment.  


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