Hypertension Screening Package



Hypertension, a threat to your heart and blood vessels.

How is hypertension defined?

  • Normal – Systolic: below 140 mmHg. Diastolic: below 90 mmHg.
  • Hypertension Stage 1 – Systolic: 140-159 mmHg. or Diastolic: 90 -99 mmHg.
  • Hypertension Stage 2 – Systolic: 160-179 mmHg. or Diastolic: 100-109 mmHg.
  • Hypertension Stage 3 – Systolic: over 180 mmHg. or Diastolic: over 110 mmHg.


Hypertension Screening Package 6,700 THB.

1 January – 31 December 2023

Terms and Condition

  • This package includes doctor and hospital fees.
  • For more information, please contact +66904017468.


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