IPL chronic eye dryness treatment package (4 Sessions)




IPL, or intense pulse light, is a form of treatment for eye dryness or chronic eyelid inflammation which utilizes special frequencies of light (not lasers) between 400 – 1200 nm. These pulses are effective in causing affected blood vessels to contract, resulting in a reduction and relief of eyelid inflammation, while also improving tear duct function in the long term. Moreover, these light pulses are effective in destroying any bacteria or demodex mites that may be present in the eyelashes, which can be another factor behind chronic eye dryness and eyelid inflammation.
Who is suitable for IPL treatment?

  • Patients with eyelid inflammation caused by a bacterial infection or those suffering with demodex
  • Patients suffering with meibomian gland dysfunction

IPL treatment is a continuous process rather than a one-off treatment. This means that patients are generally advised to undergo approximately 4–8 IPL sessions, although this is dependent on the symptoms and unique circumstances of the individual. Hence, an ophthalmologist must carry out an initial assessment prior to any treatment being administered.


Terms and conditions:​

  • Price excludes doctor fee and hospital fees
  • Price is subject to change without prior notice
  • Package may not be combined with any other offers, discounts, corporate partner discounts, or promotions, and may not be used with insurance
  • Prices are valid until 31 December 2023 (prices are subject to change without prior notice).
  • The service is available 365 days from the date of purchase.


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