PM2.5 Health Impact Screening Programs – Samitivej Srinakarin




The dangers of PM2.5 extend beyond lung damage

The tiny size of PM2.5 particles means they are easily absorbed into the respiratory system, with some particles small enough to enter the bloodstream which can then circulate them around the body and cause a range of health issues.

The dangers posed to the respiratory system and lungs

PM2.5 particles are so small that they are invisible to the naked eye. Their size also means they are easily and quickly absorbed into the respiratory system, which can cause asthma to flare up or cause the condition’s onset in previously healthy patients. If allowed to accumulate over a prolonged period, these particles could ultimately lead to the development of lung cancer.

The dangers posed to the heart

Ingesting PM2.5 particles causes sediment to build up in blood vessels, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Additionally, air pollution can negatively impact cardiac muscle cells, leading to arrhythmia or acute heart failure.

The dangers posed to the brain

PM2.5 particles are so small that they can enter and accumulate in the bloodstream, increasing blood viscosity and elevating blood pressure, both of which can increase the risk of cerebral thrombosis and cerebral arteriosclerosis which are major factors behind strokes that can result in permanent disability or loss of life.

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