Thin Prep Package




Who should take a Thin Prep test?

  • All women age 21 or more
  • Women that are 25 or older, it is also recommended to undergo the HPV DNA test
  • Women who previously had intercourse


Thin Prep test preparation

  • The scheduled appointment should not be during the menstrual period.
  • Do not undergo any douching before undergoing the Thin Prep test.
  • Do not use a suppository, cream, or spermicide for 48 hours before the test.

Thin Prep Test Package

  • ThinPrep Pap Test  2,700 baht.
  • ThinPrep test and HPV DNA test  3,700 baht.
  • ThinPrep test and Transvaginal Ultrasound  5,300 baht.
  • ThinPrep test, HPV DNA, and Transvaginal Ultrasound  6,300 baht.


Terms & Conditions

  1. The packaged price is valid for purchase from now – 31 December 2023
  2. The packaged price includes obstetrician service fees, medical supplies fees, fees of medical tools, and tools related to the test.
  3. The price is inclusive of nurse service fee and hospital service fee.
  4. The price is exclusive of medications and additional fees if the doctor recommends additional tests if the doctor detects any unusual conditions.
  5. The price cannot be used in combination with other promotional campaigns.
  6. The price is exclusively for Thai residents and expatriates residing in Thailand only.


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