Pre-Marital Health Check-Up



Starting The Next Chapter Of Your Life With Confidence

Pre-marital Health Check-up: Prospective couple’s health consultations for future family’s preparations.

Safeguarding your soon-to-be family with the essential health assessment tests; check-ups for cervix and ovarian anomalies, Rubella lgG antibodies and Hepatitis B antigen and complete blood count (CBC) for Thalassemia.  Start your new family with better informed health decision.

  • Pre-marital Health Package: for the bride 6,500 THB.
  • Pre-marital Health Package: for the groom 5,900 THB.
Program Male Female
See an obstetrician
Complete Blood Count
ABO Group for Haematology
Rh Group for Haematology
Hemoglobin Typing
HIV Antibody
HbsAg, Anti Hbc, Anti Hbs
Rubella lgG

These prices are valid from 1 January 2023 – 31 December 2023.


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