Specific IgE Antibody For Foods Package



Food allergy is an immune system reaction that occurs after digesting certain foods, known as allergens. Symptoms widely vary among individuals, extending from skin rash, diarrhea, trouble breathing to death. The onset of food allergy ranges from minutes to hours, depending on each person. Detection of food allergens and oral food challenge test help to prevent food allergy while refraining from food allergens.  


  • Specific IgE Antibody For Foods Package 4,800 THB.


Terms and Conditions

  • Doctor consultation is required prior to receiving service. 
  • This price is applied for Thais and expatriates // fly-in patients. 
  • This price excludes doctor fee and medicines.
  • This price cannot be used in combination with other discounts or promotions.
  • The hospital reserves the right to change the price as well as terms and conditions without prior notice. 
  • This price is valid from 1 January – 31 December 2023.


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